If It’s To Be, It’s Up To Me
For Boys Grades 8-11
In partnership with Mr. Alvin Heggs, of Heggs Auto Group, five boys’ grades, 8 – 11, meet every quarter to review grades. Each quarter each youth member is rewarded cash or gift cards for grade improvements. Mr. Heggs mentors our youth boy members, teaching them about life, sports, school, & careers. To have your son, or local boys from your community, considered for the program, please call (602) 463-1356.
If you’d like to become a mentor, use the get involved button below to sign up. All mentors are required to meet with the boys once per month.
Interested in mentoring?

Boys to Men
Boys Aged 6-21
If you’d like to become a mentor, use the get involved button below to sign up. All mentors are required to meet with the boys once per month.
Interested in mentoring?